Wishmaker – Online Casino Mascot Design
A brand mascot is an important means of communicating with users, as well as showing them the appreciation they deserve. This is why we felt very strongly that the mascot of Wishmaker had to serve as a bridge between company and player. It would be a spokesperson for the company, conveying their values, yet be able to connect and relate to the player without any corporate stiffness.
The Process
We brainstormed lots of different character concepts that we envisioned as fun, playful, and different. Our open line of communication with Wishmaker really helped us fully understand their preferred style, as well as the emotion and energy we had to give life to. After some iterations, we found the perfect match, which today is the official Wishmaker Character.
Facial Expressions
The Wishmaker character has a range of different facial expressions that aim to represent his moods.

Clothing & Accessories
The purpose of the costumes is to put the character in different situations.
The character was made to be used in various illustrations and company materials, so made sure to outline all possible and correct uses in the brand guideline of the company. This ensures consistency in the overall look and feel of the brand.
Custom Illustrations for Web
The lively mascot is able to express various emotions and activities. We designed multiple illustrations that prove that, and they serve different purposes on the company’s website, blog, newsletter, and more. All of them follow the previously defined brand colors and are immediately recognisable in style.

Web Animations
Alternative Mascot Design Concepts
Working with Strong Gaming’s developers on a daily basis is a sleek experience. We complement each other on many levels through the development process. Their knowledge of the web technologies and the web standards helps with solving various problems. The Sports Wagering module was one of the biggest task we handled together. They really got into the whole wagering process and learned how things work in order to implement them. Last but not least – the communication is great. I hope that we will realize many more projects together!